乐飞翎已经顺利收集到了100件的订单!谢谢大家的支持!很快的我就会通知大家汇款了哦!敬请留意email / facebook哦!!
Charity sales goaled to 100pcs!! Thanks for supporting this activity, I will inform all of you to bank in soon, please pay attention on your email and facebook!
谢谢大家对 ♥ 慈善义卖限量版T恤 ♥ 的支持!
请大家在16/4/2011(星期六)晚上10点之前汇款给我。把款项收齐后,我就会把之前承诺的RM300捐给世界宣明会(World Vision),救济日本311海啸地震灾民。
衣服将会通过Pos Ekspres(无需签收)发送到大家的手上,而3件或以上者则会使用Pos Laju。如有更换地址者请尽早通知。发邮件后,我会把Tracking No放在blog里供大家查询。
使用Maybank ATM的用户,请在汇款后把receipt传给我做记录,以防止有人浑水摸鱼。
Thank you for supporting this ♥ T-shirt Charity Sales ♥ activity!
Please make the payment before 16/4/2011 (Saturday) 10pm. After completely collect the payment, I will donate RM300 to World Vision for Emergency Aid to Japan Quake as I promised earlier.
If you want to donate more, please inform me after the payment has been made.
The T-shirt production will only start after the payment completely received and it will spend around 1 to 2 weeks to be done.
The T-shirt will be posted via Pos Ekspres or Pos Laju according to the quantity. Please inform me if you want to change your mailing address. Tracking No. will be posted in the blog and also facebook as a reference.
Maybank2u user MUST fill in my email when doing transaction and for Maybank ATM user please email the bank in slip to me.
Again, thanks to everyone for the supports. I hope everything is going smooth from now on.
To be noted that those who already ordered and refuse to make payment will be blacklisted and announced in the blog and facebook. Please understand my situation.
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