近来有许多读者询问有关登山的问题,最常见的就是“登山需要申请准证吗?”,答案是凡是受马来半岛政府林业 (Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia , JPSM / Forestry Department of Malaysia) 管制的森林保护区,就需要申请登山准证 (Permit Mendaki Gunung / Hiking Permit)。所有登山客都有义务申请登山准证,以避免被当作非法闯入者并进行非法活动如采伐、露天焚烧、弃置有毒物品等等,并有进出记录可作日后参考。
How to apply Hiking Permit?
1. 邮寄到该州的林业局(一般要等好几天)
Send mail to the District Forestry Office and wait for their reply
2. 亲临该州的林业局并直接在柜台申请(一般当天可取,如图A, 图B)
Visit to District Forestry Office and get the permit immediately
3. 一些指定的山区会有林业局的柜台提供现场申请(如图C)
Apply at appointed counter at certain permanent reserved forest
4. 若有聘请山导服务的话,一般已包括在登山配套内。
If you hire a mountain guide, generally the hiking permit will be included.
What document do I need to apply hiking permit?
1. 下载有关的申请表格
Download hiking permit application form accordingly
2. 登山客名单包括名字、身份证号码、地址、电话号码
Prepare hiker name list with name, IC no., address and contact number
3. 去邮局购买 Wangpos,银额是总人数 x 登山准证费用(不同州属不同价格)
Purchase Wangpos at any post office with total amount (the fees may vary to different state)
4. 透过邮寄/亲临柜台/山导取得登山准证
Receive hiking permit by mail / counter / mountain guide
5. 进入森林保护区前将准证交给入口处的办公室(如有)即可
Submit hiking permit at the counter/entrance of the forest (if any)
Official Website of Forestry Department of Malaysia
每个人都可以自己申请准证,但不同的山有不同的难度,拥有登山准证不代表识路或遇到困难时有自救的能力。对于不熟悉的高山林区,如目前许多人询问且大多数人都可以胜任的金马伦苔藓森林 (Mossy Forest) / 依劳山 (Gunung Irau),或者是西马七大高峰 (G7) 等,建议聘请山导带领。要知道山导的任务不只是带路,遇到困难时会尽量提供帮助(自己的人生安全还是要自己负责啊),并提供专业的知识等等。若有问题欢迎询问,我会尽量回答大家,在这里预祝大家登山愉快啦!♥
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水晶山东翼 Bukit Tabur (East) |
How to apply Hiking Permit?
1. 邮寄到该州的林业局(一般要等好几天)
Send mail to the District Forestry Office and wait for their reply
2. 亲临该州的林业局并直接在柜台申请(一般当天可取,如图A, 图B)
Visit to District Forestry Office and get the permit immediately
3. 一些指定的山区会有林业局的柜台提供现场申请(如图C)
Apply at appointed counter at certain permanent reserved forest
4. 若有聘请山导服务的话,一般已包括在登山配套内。
If you hire a mountain guide, generally the hiking permit will be included.
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图A:2014 年亲临林业局取得的 Bukit Tabur 登山准证与收据 |
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图B:2014 年亲临林业局取得的 Taman Negara 进山准证、收据与相机准证 |
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图C:2016 年在 Gunung Nuang (Hulu Langat) 入口处的林业局柜台登记申请的登山准证 |
What document do I need to apply hiking permit?
1. 下载有关的申请表格
Download hiking permit application form accordingly
2. 登山客名单包括名字、身份证号码、地址、电话号码
Prepare hiker name list with name, IC no., address and contact number
3. 去邮局购买 Wangpos,银额是总人数 x 登山准证费用(不同州属不同价格)
Purchase Wangpos at any post office with total amount (the fees may vary to different state)
4. 透过邮寄/亲临柜台/山导取得登山准证
Receive hiking permit by mail / counter / mountain guide
5. 进入森林保护区前将准证交给入口处的办公室(如有)即可
Submit hiking permit at the counter/entrance of the forest (if any)
Official Website of Forestry Department of Malaysia
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur | https://www.forestry.gov.my/ |
彭亨 Pahang | http://forestry.pahang.gov.my/ 表格下载:Application Form |
霹雳 Perak | https://www.perakforestry.gov.my/ |
登嘉楼 Terrenganu | http://trgforestry.terengganu.gov.my/ |
柔佛 Johor | https://forestry.johor.gov.my/ |
吉兰丹 Kelantan | https://jpnk.kelantan.gov.my/ |
吉打 Kedah | http://www.kedforestry.gov.my/ |
森美兰 Negeri Sembilan | https://forestry.ns.gov.my/index.php/my/ |
雪兰莪 Selangor | http://forestry.selangor.gov.my |
玻璃市 Perlis | https://www.forestry.gov.my/ |
槟城 Pulau Pinang | https://jhn.penang.gov.my/ |
马六甲 Melaka | https://forestry.melaka.gov.my/ |
每个人都可以自己申请准证,但不同的山有不同的难度,拥有登山准证不代表识路或遇到困难时有自救的能力。对于不熟悉的高山林区,如目前许多人询问且大多数人都可以胜任的金马伦苔藓森林 (Mossy Forest) / 依劳山 (Gunung Irau),或者是西马七大高峰 (G7) 等,建议聘请山导带领。要知道山导的任务不只是带路,遇到困难时会尽量提供帮助(自己的人生安全还是要自己负责啊),并提供专业的知识等等。若有问题欢迎询问,我会尽量回答大家,在这里预祝大家登山愉快啦!♥